Saturday night… O Baby…

January 13, 2010 at 4:17 pm Leave a comment

Even after 1.5 years, I can still recall that starlit Saturday night as if it was just yesterday.

 It was one of “those” days when everything went as per our plan. By around 7.00 PM my daughter was fed and dressed and both of us were in want of something to do. I said “Shall we go shopping?” and my daughter, Sanjana who had just turned 1, replied “Yesh” and off we went.

 We took a rick and found ourselves in the most crowded shop in town, Saravana stores. Light was bright inside the stop and it was flooded with people and my daughter was bubbling with enthu and kept running all over the shop. I steered her to the kids section which surprisingly was not crowded; she was busy rummaging things and I was busy picking stuff for her. She climbed on to the chair, shelf, table, dress stand… well, almost onto everything except the wall!

 We almost came to the end of shopping for the day. Of course my daughter was constantly “helping” me by pulling and pushing anything and everything that was in her sight and height!!! After a harried 1 hour and an internal vow not to come for shopping alone with her till she turns at least 3, I was clutching around 10 garments for her in one hand and holding my babbling daughter, who was doing all sorts of monkey mischief as she dint want to be lifted, in another hand and was headed in the direction of the billing section. A group of folks brushed past us and 30 seconds later, my daughter exclaimed “Amma mamma valllai pochu”(meaning mom uncle took my bangle away) and whew the gold bangle that she was wearing had gone missing!!! (Irony, my 1 year old daughter was the first to find this out)

 She seemed excited and was wearing a ‘happy’ expression on her face and was constantly pulling at the bangle in her other hand too.  I quickly removed the other gold bangle and kept in my purse lest she hands it over willingly to another mamma!

 The first thought that struck my mind on losing this bangle was Thank God, Sanju is not hurt. The second that occurred was another item for my blog 😉

 (* sequel of what I did after losing the bangle, to follow)

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An ode to someone I truly love… Hundred… Nooru… Ek Sow…

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January 2010